Thursday, July 30, 2009

What a beautiful morning!

The scaffolding is down and touch-ups are being done. We will be 100% completed with our beautiful Lighthouse project by the end of the week! We definitely enjoyed being a part of this historical renovation and being an integral part of helping to keep Grosse Ile beautiful!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Took down the tarp

The pretty lighthouse sees daylight again!

Thanks Supervisor Loftus!

Got this cool picture from Supervisor Brian Loftus that he took at our inspection yesterday. Pictured from left to right are: Bryan Lijewski, Michelle Smay, and my awesome boss Charlie Lowler. What a fine looking Lighthouse inspection team! Thanks Mr. Loftus for the picture!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Final Inspection Day!

Supervisor and Mrs. Brian Loftus and Carol Knopp from Grosse Ile Township, Michelle Smay from Smay Trombley Architecture, Bryan Lijewski and Denise Sachau from the State of Michigan Historic Preservation Office in Lansing, Charlie, and I had our big inspection today! They started at the top at the lantern and worked their way down. We had a few items on the punchlist to take care of once the scaffold is out of the way, but other than that, the painting will be done today! They said we did a really good job. We will be removing the tarp by the end of the week-weather permitting. Stay tuned for pictures of the unveiling!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Copper Roof is Finished!

On Friday, we finished the copper deck and today we installed the 5 windows in the lantern. Hopefully, I will have pictures of the windows tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Waiting for Windows...

Boy, have I been slacking! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been out of the office. We are currently waiting for the glass guys to come and replace the glass in the windows. Charlie talked to the copper roof people and that should be happening very soon. I hope to get some pictures of that being done. Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July. God bless America!